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University of The Bahamas

Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on the Geology of The Bahamas. 1997.

Barner, WL. Transport travel time in the fresh-water lens of Northern Guam. p. 1-12.

Boardman, MR and CK Carney. Influence of sea level on the origin and diagenesis of the shallow aquifer of Andros Island, Bahamas. p. 13-32.

Curran, HA and AB Williams. Ichnology of an intertidal carbonate sand flat: Pigeon Creek, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 33-46.

Erdman, JS, MM Key, and RL Davis. Hydrogeology of the Cockburn Town Aquifer, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and the change in water quality resulting from the development of a resort community. p. 47-58.

Fronabarger, AK, JL Carew, and K Haborak. Morphology of fossil and modern Cerion from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 59-72.

Gould, SJ. The taxonomy and geographic variation of Cerion on San Salvador (Bahama Islands). p. 73-91.

Greenstein, BJ, LA Harris, and HA Curran. Fernandez Bay, San Salvador, Bahamas: A natural laboratory for assessment of the preservation of coral reef community structure. p. 92-102.

Hall, JK and RD Lewis. Taphonomy and neoichnology of Strombus Gigas (Queen Conch) at San Salvador, Bahamas. p. 103-108.

Kievman, CM. Sedimentologic and morphologic changes on the leeward margin of the Great Bahama Bank during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. p. 109-121.

Lehnert, MK, JE Mylroie, and DL Arnold. Analysis of the relationship between karst features and vegetation type on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 122-134.

Mirecki, JE and JL Carew. Precision of amino acid epimerimization analyses of fossil terrestrial land snail Cerion, with implications for aminostratigraphy of Late Quaternary eolianites at San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 135-147.

Panuska, BC, JE Mylroie, and JL Carew. Stratigraphic tests of the utility of paleomagnetic secular variation for correlation of paleosols, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 148-157.

Rice-Snow, S, CM Wicks, and RFA Tarhule-Lips. Detailed wall morphology of an interior flank margin cave room, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. p. 158-165.

Schmoll, BS, JL Carew, and JE Mylroie. Preliminary petrologic analysis of Cueva Del Aleman, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. p. 166-173.

Schwabe, SJ, J Parkes, and PL Smart. Significance of bacterial activity in carbonate diagenesis. p. 174-175.

Toscano, MA and J Lundberg. Late Stage 5 coral reefs, Southeast Florida Shelf: sea level, high precision dating and assessment of forcing mechanisms. p. 176-189.

Walker, E, JL Carew, and JE Mirecki. Lichen-like pitting on Cerion from San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 190-195.

White, B, HA Curran, and MA Wilson. Bahamian Sangamonian coral reefs and sea-level change. p. 196-213.

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