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University of The Bahamas

Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on the Natural History of The Bahamas. 2005.

Burton, JD. The Demographics of Slavery: Sandy Point Plantation and the Prince Storr Murder Case. p. 1-11.

Carter, RL, WK Hayes, V Voegeli, and S Voegeli. Celebrating Biodiversity 2002 - Conservation Education: A Responsibility of Higher Education. p. 12-17.

Clum, NJ. Ghost Crab Burrow Construction, Placement, and Longevity. p. 18-27.

Eckert, MA, E Aschendorf II, L Rice, P Gregg, and LA Weidman. Regrowth Rates and Successional Patterns of Previously "Clear Cut" Bahamian Pine Yards, Andros Island, Bahamas. p. 28-33.

Elliott, NB, DL Smith, SGF Smith, and E Carey. Establishment of the Bahamian National Entomological Collection. p. 34-36.

Freile, D, M DeVore, and B Lowe. Comparison of Calcareous Algae Community Structure and Carbonate Production of Graham's Harbour, Pice Bay and Snow Bay: San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 37-47.

Gillie, L, R Erdman, and T Egan. Linking Research with Teaching: Student Projects at the GRC. p. 48-53.

Godfrey, PJ and EB Page. Ecological Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Mangrove and Fringing Upland Vegetation Around Blue Hole Ponds on San Salvador Island, The Bahamas. p. 54-68.

Hayes, WK and RL Carter. Biology and Conservation of Cyclura rileyi, An Endangered Bahamian Rock Iguana. p. 69-82.

Landry, CL, BJ Rathcke, LB Kass, NB Elliott, and R Boothe. Flower Visitors to White Mangrove: A Comparison Between Three Bahamian Islands and Florida. p. 83-94.

McGrath, T and GW Smith. Variations in Scleractinian Coral Populations on Patch Reefs Around San Salvador Island, Bahamas 1992 - 2002. p. 95-104.

Rathcke, BJ, LB Kass, and NB Elliott. The Pollination Biology of Woolly Corchorus, Corchorus hirsutus (Malvaceae/Tiliaceae), on San Salvador and Inagua, Bahamas. p. 105-112.

Sealey, N. Small Hope Bay - The Cycle of Casuarina-Induced Beach Erosion. p. 113-119.

Steiner Jr, WE. Notes and Proposed Studies on the Darkling Beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) of the Bahamian Region. p. 120-136.

Trimm Jr, NA and WK Hayes. Distribution of Nesting Audubon's Shearwaters (Puffinus lherminieri) on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. p. 137-145.

Walter, RP, and JM Haynes. Fish Assemblages Associated with Coral Patch Reefs at San Salvador, Bahamas. p. 146-157.

Whipp, AM, T Albertson, and B Wallace. The Growth Rate of the Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), on Andros Island Bahamas. p. 158-164.

Whyte, TR, MJ Berman, and PL Gnivecki. Vertebrate Archaeofaunal Remains from the Pigeon Creek Site, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas. p. 165-177.

Wischmeyer, A and LA Weidman. An Investigation Into the Origin, Historical, and Sedimentological Significance of Archeological Artificats: South Blanket Sound, Andors Island, Bahamas. p. 178-184.

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